My Weight Loss Status For 2016

My second stint of dieting finished on Monday this week. Another stretch of 20 weeks to try to get my weight down to what I consider acceptable for me... After I Decided That I Had Lose Weight I managed to lose 15kg in my first phase of dieting - only to put 3 of it back during a 3 week holiday in Thailand.

After some time into this phase though I realized that I might have to modify my targets somewhat. Below are the key stats from the 20 week period up to May 30th this year.

Weight Loss Status - Key Stats

  • Start weight: 81,6kg
  • End weight: 73,6kg
  • Weight lost: 8,0kg
  • Percentage of start weight: 90%
  • Weekly average loss: 0,4kg


Weight Loss Chart 2016

A summary of 2016. Activity is the weekly average provided by my activity band, a Polar Loop, based on 100% daily activity being around 13 000 steps. The red line shows the weekly difference in weight. Compared to last year, there is a more gradual weight loss, although you can there were many increases week on week.

Similar to last year were I listed how I achieved my goals, look out for a post on this years progression very soon. Needless to say it was a lot harder this time.

Weight Loss Target Check List

  1. Lose 10lbs ( @4,5kg ) - week 5
  2. Lose 1 stone ( @6kg ) - week 8
  3. Get BMI to “normal” range, 73,6kg ( @8kg ) - week 15*
  4. Lose 20 lbs
  5. Get to target weight of 71,6kg ( 10kg lost )
  6. Get under 70kg [bonus]
So as you can see only hit half of my targets this time round. In my next post I will outline how I got to where I am now (listed above) but there are a few other measures that are not listed above that are worth noting:
  • Total weight loss over the 2 periods of "dieting" was 20kg
  • That equates to over 3 stones in old money, 44lbs for any Americans reading
  • Current weight is under 12 stone, around the same as when I left for Finland over 16 years ago
So that's it. Diet over. On to the next phase. Normalization. Look out for posts on that soon too. You will realize that I might be going back on my words about exercise ... but let's see.

* I lived 2 weeks at "normal" weight then had a blimp. Managed to get back right it the end of the diet schedule.

Originally created: 2016-06-02 12:44:39